Dyana's Aji Tofu Wrap

5 mins, easy, Serves 4
Our ever versatile Soy-Free Tofu soaks up all the flavors of Dyana's Aji. Make this quick and easy wrap, or use this as a base to top your pastas, salads, and more.
Featured Products
Our Soy-Free Tofu is the perfect ingredient to soak up any flavour added to it.


  • 1 jar Dyana's Aji
  • 1 pack Soy-Free Tofu

Recipe Preparation

  1. Crumble 1 pack Big Mountain Foods Soy
  2. Stir in 1 jar of Dyana's Aji
  3. Cook tofu over medium-high heat about 5 mins
  4. Serve tofu mixture in a wrap with your favourite wrap toppings